Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 5: Adventuring in Granada and Sevilla

Monday, February 6th

Just another day back in Sevilla. The weather was awesome compared to Belgium, it was probably around 68 degrees. I had my three typical Monday classes. After school I went shopping with my host mom and then did homework. Nothing too exciting.

Tuesday, February 7th

Another typical day in Spain! I had one class today, my Public International Law class. Today is technically my Wednesday, which makes tomorrow my Friday (since I only have three days of classes). I also booked travel to Berlin and Amsterdam for the last weekend in February because I don’t have classes Monday or Tuesday for a Spanish holiday. I’m pretty excited for that trip!

Wednesday, February 8th

Just another day in Sevilla and my “Friday” as Wednesday is my last day of classes. My friend and I got churros con chocolate today. My life is pretty predictable in Spain. I’m usually with the host family, getting churros and chocolate, in class, traveling, or sleeping.

Thursday, February 9th

Spent today hanging out with the host family before I leave for Granada tomorrow. Nothing too exciting or new to report. I’ll have a post on Granada soon.

Friday, February 10th -- Saturday, February 11th


Sunday, February 12th

Got back from Granada late Saturday night. I spent today doing lots of homework and hanging out with the host family. We made tortitas (creepes) with my host sister. Their Grandmother came to visit again which was really fun. She is really sweet and patient with my Spanish.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 4: Classes, Brussels, and Many Adventures

Monday, January 30th

Just another day in the beautiful city of Sevilla. It was 68 degrees today, it was amazing! I had three classes today. All my classes are all going well so far! Today I was focused on planning for my Brussels trip at the end of the week. I also did homework and practiced my Spanish with my host family. Nothing too exciting, just an average day.

Tuesday, January 31st

Another beautiful day in Sevilla! I had my international public law class, which I am really enjoying! I spent the majority of the day doing homework and studying.

Wednesday, February 1st

Last day of classes for the week! I started packing for Brussels and preparing for the trip. Spent time with the host family and of course…did more homework. Haha, too excited to get on an airplane!

Thursday, February 2nd

BRUSSELS BOUND! Today I am leaving for Brussels at 8pm! I’ll have a whole section on Brussels coming soon. All day I prepped for the trip. I packed, went with my friend Natalie to the bank, and went shopping. So ready for the next adventure!

Friday, February 3rd – Sunday, February 5th

From Thursday, February 2nd until Sunday, February 5th I was traveling in Brussels! I will put together a whole post regarding my trip as well as photos on Facebook. Look out for more on Brussels in the upcoming days.