Monday, August 1, 2016

Beginning Stages of Applying

Since my first-year of college, I have known I wanted to study abroad in Spain with this specific program. The program I will be applying to is the CIEE International Bussiness and Culture. This program is a perfect fit for me for multiple reasons.

First off, the location. I have taken four years of Spanish but have never been able to really pick up the language. When I first started to look into programs, I knew I wanted a program either in Spain or South America, that way I could practice and advance my Spanish speaking skills. I have always wanted to study abroad somewhere in Europe, so Spain seemed like a natural fit. Seville is also a beautiful city that is not as big as Madrid or Barcelona, but not too small either.

Second, the class options. Since the program is International Bussiness and Culture, there are a lot of classes offered that are Political Science, Public Policy, Internation Relations, and Economics minded. In addition, the culture part will allow me to take a class that is specialized to Spain. I'm hoping I'll be able to take a Spanish Art History class.

Third, this program is home-stay only. I thought I always would go for a program that had apartments, where I would live with fellow students of the program. After attending college and thinking about what I wanted out of my study abroad experience, I realized I wanted to be immersed in the culture of the country as much as possible. I think there is really no better way to do that than staying with a family for my semester.

If you are interested in learning more about my specific program follow the link for more details.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be starting and completing the application! It's due by October 1st, so it's not too long from now that I will have applied and waiting to hear if I am accepted.